PETZ BOUldering


m2 surface




levels of difficulty

The PETZ-Gym offers around 150 bouldering routes on 600 square metres of floor space, divided into six colour-coded levels of difficulty. New routes are usually set weekly.

All our routes, an overview of the sectors and photos and a brief description of the routes can be found in the Boulder Buddy app.

We ask all visitors to read our gym rules. You can find them under the following links:

Bouldering in Petz

Bouldering with Children

New to our gym?

All young and adult visitors must register before visiting us for the first time. Registration is done in the PETZ app (information and download: here).

Children are not allowed to boulder on their own. They must be supervised by an adult, and one adult can supervise a maximum of two children.

The starting holds of our routes are marked with round coloured signs saying “Start”. The difficulties increase from yellow (easy) to green – blue – red – black to grey (extremely difficult).


Boulder Buddy

Our routes are all recorded on the Boulder-Buddy app. Here you can plan your training sessions, monitor your progress, share and give feedback on the routes. Take a look!

New to bouldering?

Newcomers should know that indoor bouldering is practised without any artificial aids such as ropes or belay devices. In case of a jump or fall from the wall, mats help to break the fall. This means that everyone is responsible for themselves. However, the risk of injury is statistically very low if you follow a few principles.

Here are a few tips for jumping off the wall: Please do not try to turn around in flight and/or catch yourself with your hands when you come up. This is where most injuries happen. Try to land with your legs bent wide apart (both legs, landing on one leg tempts you to make the mistake of using your arms), your arms in front of your body, and roll backwards.

When climbing up: A route always consists of holds and steps of the same colour, and you should not use holds of other colours from the surrounding routes when climbing.

For the descent: you should try to climb all the way down again, or at least as far as possible, on routes where it is not possible to exit at the top (you can also use different coloured holds and steps from neighbouring routes, and also the “downclimbs”, large black holds with a white arrow pointing downwards, which are placed exclusively for safety when climbing down).

We recommend that all newcomers, especially if they come with children, have an introduction session with one of our coaches.